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Peer endpoints

The peer-to-peer communication between Chainweb nodes is split into specialized independent peer-to-peer networks that different nodes are part of. The cut peer-to-peer network is responsible for communicating the consensus state across the distributed network nodes. There is also a separate memory pool (mempool) peer-to-peer network for each chain to queue pending transactions.

Get cut network peer information

Use GET https://{baseURL}/cut/peer to retrieve peer node information about the cut peer-to-peer network for a specific Chainweb node.

Query parameters

limitinteger >= 0Specifies the maximum number of records that should be returned. The actual number of records returned might be lower than the value you specify. For example: limit=3.
nextstringSpecifies the cursor value to retrieve the next page of results. You can find the value to specify in the next property returned by the previous page in a successful response. For example: "inclusive:qgsxD1G5m8dGZ4W9nMKBotU2I10ilURkRIE3_UKHlLM".


Requests to GET https://{baseURL}/cut/peer return the following response code:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded. The response body describes the peers from the peer database on the remote node.

Response header

The response header parameters are the same for all successful and unsuccessful Chainweb node requests.

x-peer-addrstringSpecifies the host address and port number of the client as observed by the remote Chainweb node. The host address can be a domain name or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example: "".
x-server‑timestampinteger >= 0Specifies the clock time of the remote Chainweb node using the UNIX epoch timestamp. For example: 1618597601.
x‑chainweb‑node‑versionstringSpecifies the version of the remote Chainweb node. For example: "2.23".

Successful response schema

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following:

items (required)Array of objectsReturns an array of peer information objects.
limit (required)integer >= 0Specifies the maximum number of items in the page. This number can be smaller but never larger than the number of requested items.
next (required)string or nullReturns a value that can be used to query the next page. You can use this value for the next parameter in a follow-up request. The format for this parameter consists of two parts. The first part of the string can be inclusive, exclusive, or null. The second part is the value that calls the next page of results or null if there are no more results to query.


You can send a request to a Kadena main network bootstrap node by calling the peer-to-peer endpoint like this:


This request returns two items with peer information in the response body:

{    "limit": 2,    "items": [        {            "id": "70HnUJJN41Ee-miB5ZlsqDJW3TRcTV5fZ9vM_Gw332k",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        },        {            "id": null,            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 443            }        }    ],    "next": "inclusive:2"}
{    "limit": 2,    "items": [        {            "id": "70HnUJJN41Ee-miB5ZlsqDJW3TRcTV5fZ9vM_Gw332k",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        },        {            "id": null,            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 443            }        }    ],    "next": "inclusive:2"}

To send a follow-up request to get peer information for the next two peers, you can add the next parameter to the request:


This request returns the next two items from the peer database in the response body:

{    "limit": 2,    "items": [        {            "id": "YhmXbYrjrVwUEtIRkwroJ5RPB2tnPqH6qMPsXgi6BOg",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 8443            }        },        {            "id": "tfgiwMyznf8M7p8mP99aEamD2mbvp9DLQCkRXyvsuFc",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 31350            }        }    ],    "next": "inclusive:4"}
{    "limit": 2,    "items": [        {            "id": "YhmXbYrjrVwUEtIRkwroJ5RPB2tnPqH6qMPsXgi6BOg",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 8443            }        },        {            "id": "tfgiwMyznf8M7p8mP99aEamD2mbvp9DLQCkRXyvsuFc",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 31350            }        }    ],    "next": "inclusive:4"}

Add peer information to the cut peer-to-peer network

Use PUT https://{baseURL}/cut/peer to add peer information to the peer database of the cut peer-to-peer network on the remote host.

Request body schema

Use the following parameters to specify the peer information you want to add to the peer database of the cut peer-to-peer network on the remote host.

id (required)string or nullSpecifies the Base64Url-encoded string—without padding—that represents the SHA256 fingerprint of the SSL certificate for the remote node. This field can only be null if the node uses an official certificate authority (CA) signed certificate. In all other cases, the id string consists of 43 characters from the a-zA-Z0-9_- character set.
address (required)objectSpecifies the host and port number of the peer.


Requests to PUT https://{baseURL}/cut/peer return the following response codes:

  • 204 No Content indicates that the request was successful and the peer was added to the peer database of the remote node.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request itself is invalid or that the hostname and port provided for the peer is not reachable. Before a Chainweb node adds a peer to its peer database, the node checks whether the peer can be reached using the information provided. If this check fails, an error is returned.


You can send a request to add a peer to the peer node database with a call to the /peer endpoint similar to the following:


The request body for adding a peer contains parameters similar to the following:

{    "id": "NE9g8dsqVF1_OKwyq_ITXpIiEF4i9ReFzJQG9FhDEnQ",    "address": {        "hostname": "",        "port": 1789    }}
{    "id": "NE9g8dsqVF1_OKwyq_ITXpIiEF4i9ReFzJQG9FhDEnQ",    "address": {        "hostname": "",        "port": 1789    }}

If the request is successful, you'll see the 204 No Content response returned. If the host name or IP address wasn't reachable, you'll see an error message similar to the following:

Invalid hostaddress: IsNotReachable "ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Stream, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress =, addrCanonName = Nothing}, host name: Just \"\", service name: Just \"1789\"): does not exist (Name or service not known)"
Invalid hostaddress: IsNotReachable "ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Stream, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress =, addrCanonName = Nothing}, host name: Just \"\", service name: Just \"1789\"): does not exist (Name or service not known)"

Get peer information from the mempool peer-to-peer network

Use GET https://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/mempool/peer to retrieve peer information about the mempool peer-to-peer network for a specific Chainweb node and chain.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to get block hashes for the first chain (0), the request is GET https://{baseURL}/chain/0/mempool/peer.

Query parameters

limitinteger >= 0Specifies the maximum number of records that should be returned. The actual number of records returned might be lower than the value you specify. For example: limit=3.
nextstringSpecifies the cursor value to retrieve the next page of results. You can find the value to specify in the next property returned by the previous page in a successful response. For example: "inclusive:qgsxD1G5m8dGZ4W9nMKBotU2I10ilURkRIE3_UKHlLM".


Requests to GET https://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/mempool/peer return the following response code:

  • 200 OK indicates that the request succeeded and the response body returns the blockchain state for each chain at the specified block height.

Response header

The response header parameters are the same for all successful and unsuccessful Chainweb node requests.

x-peer-addrstringSpecifies the host address and port number of the client as observed by the remote Chainweb node. The host address can be a domain name or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example: "".
x-server‑timestampinteger >= 0Specifies the clock time of the remote Chainweb node using the UNIX epoch timestamp. For example: 1618597601.
x‑chainweb‑node‑versionstringSpecifies the version of the remote Chainweb node. For example: "2.23".

Successful response schema

If the request is successful, the response returns application/json content with the following:

items (required)Array of objectsReturns an array of peer information objects.
limit (required)integer >= 0Specifies the maximum number of items in the page. This number can be smaller but never larger than the number of requested items.
next (required)string or nullReturns a value that can be used to query the next page. You can use this value for the next parameter in a follow-up request. The format for this parameter consists of two parts. The first part of the string can be inclusive, exclusive, or null. The second part is the value that calls the next page of results or null if there are no more results to query.


You can send a request to retrieve information about the memory pool peer-to-peer network with a call to the /peer endpoint similar to the following:


The response body for this request returns the peer information for the nodes in the mempool peer-to-peer network:

{    "limit": 3,    "items": [        {            "id": "aEdeq9bOZws1X5IpBF5aGM6vV6gh_EicHSMoPs5wb40",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        },        {            "id": "SMq0oMEVVBNNl3GfMBJfbHVBIRIVa0v6qwoKZflQtAA",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        },        {            "id": "AFqlaMJ8IfuwQiuyo_qxa83U_2DTkrJjhGftplwvWZc",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        }    ],    "next": "inclusive:3"}
{    "limit": 3,    "items": [        {            "id": "aEdeq9bOZws1X5IpBF5aGM6vV6gh_EicHSMoPs5wb40",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        },        {            "id": "SMq0oMEVVBNNl3GfMBJfbHVBIRIVa0v6qwoKZflQtAA",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        },        {            "id": "AFqlaMJ8IfuwQiuyo_qxa83U_2DTkrJjhGftplwvWZc",            "address": {                "hostname": "",                "port": 1789            }        }    ],    "next": "inclusive:3"}

Add peer information to the mempool peer-to-peer network

Use PUT https://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/mempool/peer to add peer information to the mempool peer-to-peer network for a specific chain.

Path parameters

chain (required)integer >= 0Specifies the chain identifier of the chain you want to send the request to. Valid values are 0 to 19. For example, to get block hashes for the first chain (0), the request is PUT https://{baseURL}/chain/0/mempool/peer.

Request body schema

Use the following parameters to specify the peer information you want to add to the peer database of the memory pool peer-to-peer network on the remote host.

id (required)string or nullSpecifies the Base64Url-encoded string—without padding—that represents the SHA256 fingerprint of the SSL certificate for the remote node. This field can only be null if the node uses an official certificate authority (CA) signed certificate. In all other cases, the id string consists of 43 characters from the a-zA-Z0-9_- character set.
address (required)objectSpecifies the host and port number of the peer you want to add to the peer database of the memory pool peer-to-peer network for the specified chain.


Requests to PUT https://{baseURL}/chain/{chain}/mempool/peer return the following response codes:

  • 204 No Content indicates that the request was successful and the peer was added to the peer database of the remote node.
  • 400 Bad Request indicates that the request itself is invalid or that the hostname and port provided for the peer is not reachable. Before a Chainweb node adds a peer to its peer database, the node checks whether the peer can be reached using the information provided. If this check fails, an error is returned.

Response header

The response header parameters are the same for all successful and unsuccessful Chainweb node requests.

x-peer-addrstringSpecifies the host address and port number of the client as observed by the remote Chainweb node. The host address can be a domain name or an IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. For example: "".
x-server‑timestampinteger >= 0Specifies the clock time of the remote Chainweb node using the UNIX epoch timestamp. For example: 1618597601.
x‑chainweb‑node‑versionstringSpecifies the version of the remote Chainweb node. For example: "2.23".


You can send a request to add a peer to the peer node database with a call to the /peer endpoint similar to the following:


The request body for adding a peer contains parameters similar to the following:

{    "id": "aEdeq9bOZws1X5IpBF5aGM6vV6gh_EicHSMoPs5wb40",    "address": {        "hostname": "",        "port": 1789    }}
{    "id": "aEdeq9bOZws1X5IpBF5aGM6vV6gh_EicHSMoPs5wb40",    "address": {        "hostname": "",        "port": 1789    }}

If the request is successful, you'll see the 204 No Content response returned. If the host name or IP address wasn't reachable, you'll see an error message similar to the following:

Invalid hostaddress: IsNotReachable "ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Stream, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress =, addrCanonName = Nothing}, host name: Just \"\", service name: Just \"1789\"): does not exist (Name or service not known)"
Invalid hostaddress: IsNotReachable "ConnectionFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Stream, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress =, addrCanonName = Nothing}, host name: Just \"\", service name: Just \"1789\"): does not exist (Name or service not known)"