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kadena account

Use kadena account to add, manage, and fund onchain accounts with fungible tokens, for example, by transferring coin.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena account command is:

kadena account <action> [arguments] [flags]
kadena account <action> [arguments] [flags]


Use the following actions to specify the operation you want to perform.

Use this actionTo do this
addAdd an account from an existing key or from an existing wallet.
deleteDelete one or more existing accounts.
detailsGet details for an account.
fundFund an existing or new account.
listList available account information.
name-to-addressResolve a .kda name to a k:address (kadena names)
address-to-nameResolve a k:address to a .kda name (kadena names)


You can use the following optional flags with kadena account commands.

Use this flagTo do this
-h, --helpDisplay usage information.
-q, --quietEliminate interactive prompts and confirmations to enable automation of tasks.
-V, --versionDisplay version information.
--jsonFormat command results sent to standard output (stdout) using JSON format.
--yamlFormat command results sent to standard output (stdout) using YAML format.

kadena account add

Use kadena account add to add a new local account manually from existing keys or from a wallet. The parameters required depend on the type of account you specify using the --from command-line option. Use --from key to add an account manually from existing local keys. Use --from wallet to add an account to an existing wallet.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena account add command is:

kadena account add --from key | wallet [arguments] [flags]
kadena account add --from key | wallet [arguments] [flags]

Arguments for using a local key

You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account add --from key command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-f --from keySpecify the type of account to add. Use --from key to add an account manually from existing keys.
-l, --account-alias aliasNameSpecify an alias for the account.
-f, --fungible fungibleSpecify the fungible module name. The default is coin.
-p, --predicate predicateSpecify the predicate to use for the account. You can specify on the the keys-all, keys-any, or keys-2 built-in predicates or a custom predicate.
-k, --public-keys publickey1, publickey2, ...Specify a comma-separated list of public keys.
-v, --verifyVerify account details on the blockchain.
-n, --network networkNameSpecify the name of the network if you want to verify the account details on the blockchain.
-c, --chain-id idSpecify the chain identifier if you want to verify the account details on the blockchain.
-a, --account-name accountNameProvide an account name.

If you want to verify the account details on the blockchain, you must provide the network name and chain identifier.

Arguments for using a wallet

You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account add --from wallet command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-f, --from walletSpecify the type of account to add. Use --from wallet to add a wallet account.
-l, --account-alias aliasNameSpecify an alias for the account.
-a, --account-name accountNameProvide an account name.
-f, --fungible fungibleSpecify the fungible module name. The default is coin.
-k, --public-keys publickey1, publickey2, ...Specify a comma-separated list of public keys.
-p, --predicate predicateSpecify the predicate to use for the account. You can specify on the the keys-all, keys-any, or keys-2 built-in predicates or a custom predicate.
-w, --wallet-name walletNameProvide the name of the wallet.
--password-file passwordFileSpecify the path to a file containing the password for the wallet. Alternatively, passwords can be passed via stdin. This option is only required only if you choose auto generate keys from the wallet.


To add account information interactively, run the following command:

kadena account add
kadena account add

This command prompts you to select the method for providing the public keys for the new account. If you have a wallet, you can add a new account based on the public key and secret key pair generated for that wallet. If you have other public keys that you want to use, you can add an account by entering the keys manually.

To add an account locally from an account that exists on the Kadena test network and chain identifier 1, run a command similar to the following:

kadena account add --from=key --account-alias=pistolas-testnet --account-name=k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e --fungible=coin --verify --network=testnet --chain-id=1
kadena account add --from=key --account-alias=pistolas-testnet --account-name=k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e --fungible=coin --verify --network=testnet --chain-id=1

This command verifies the account details on the Kadena test network and displays a confirmation message similar to the following:

The account configuration "pistolas-testnet" has been saved in .kadena/accounts/pistolas-testnet.yaml
The account configuration "pistolas-testnet" has been saved in .kadena/accounts/pistolas-testnet.yaml

To add an account by providing public keys manually, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account add --from="key" --account-alias=pistolas-publickey --account-name=k:3e7e7db00e2e575a5260b8705ab7663574b186657451d6990316af6bc5108b59 --fungible="coin" --public-keys=3e7e7db00e2e575a5260b8705ab7663574b186657451d6990316af6bc5108b59,99d30af3fa91d78cc06cf53a0d4eb2d7fa2a5a72944cc5451311b455a67a3c1c --predicate=keys-any
kadena account add --from="key" --account-alias=pistolas-publickey --account-name=k:3e7e7db00e2e575a5260b8705ab7663574b186657451d6990316af6bc5108b59 --fungible="coin" --public-keys=3e7e7db00e2e575a5260b8705ab7663574b186657451d6990316af6bc5108b59,99d30af3fa91d78cc06cf53a0d4eb2d7fa2a5a72944cc5451311b455a67a3c1c --predicate=keys-any

This command prompts you to specify whether you want to verify the account information before adding the account. For example:

? Do you want to verify the account on chain? (Use arrow keys) Yes, verify the account on chain before adding  No, add the account without verifying on chain
? Do you want to verify the account on chain? (Use arrow keys) Yes, verify the account on chain before adding  No, add the account without verifying on chain

To add an account from a wallet, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account add --from="wallet" --wallet-name="wallet_name" --account-alias="account_alias" --fungible="coin" --public-keys="7c8939951b61614c30f837d7b02fe4982565962b5665d0e0f836b79720747cb2" --predicate="keys-all"
kadena account add --from="wallet" --wallet-name="wallet_name" --account-alias="account_alias" --fungible="coin" --public-keys="7c8939951b61614c30f837d7b02fe4982565962b5665d0e0f836b79720747cb2" --predicate="keys-all"

To add an account from a wallet and automatically generate new keys, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account add --from="wallet" --wallet-name="wallet-name" --account-alias="account_alias_testing" --fungible="coin" --public-keys="your_public_key,_generate_" --predicate="keys-all" --password-file="./kadenawallet-pw.txt"
kadena account add --from="wallet" --wallet-name="wallet-name" --account-alias="account_alias_testing" --fungible="coin" --public-keys="your_public_key,_generate_" --predicate="keys-all" --password-file="./kadenawallet-pw.txt"

kadena account details

Use kadena account details to retrieve information about a specified account. The account details include the account balance, the guard public keys and predicate, and the account name. To get this information, you must specify the Kadena network and chain identifier for the account.

Basic usage

The basic syntax for the kadena account details command is:

kadena account details [arguments] [flags]
kadena account details [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account details command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-a, --account accountAliasSpecify the account alias or account name you want to retrieve details about. This argument is required.
-n, --network networkNameSpecify the name of the network where the account exists. This argument is required.
-f, --fungible fungibleSpecify the type of fungible asset, for example, coin or nft. This argument is required.
-c, --chain-ids idSpecify the chain identifier or a range of chain identifiers. For example, you can specify a single chain identifier (1), a continuous range of chain identifiers (0-3), individual chain identifiers (0,1,5) or all chains (all). This argument is required.


To get account details for a specific account alias on the Kadena test network and chain 0 formatted as JSON output, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account details --json --account=pistolas-testnet --network=testnet --chain-ids=0
kadena account details --json --account=pistolas-testnet --network=testnet --chain-ids=0

This command returns output similar to the following:

Details of account "pistolas-testnet" on network "testnet04"[  {    "0": {      "guard": {        "pred": "keys-all",        "keys": [          "bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e"        ]      },      "balance": 2.99334437103,      "account": "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e"    }  }]
Details of account "pistolas-testnet" on network "testnet04"[  {    "0": {      "guard": {        "pred": "keys-all",        "keys": [          "bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e"        ]      },      "balance": 2.99334437103,      "account": "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e"    }  }]

To get account details for a specific account name on the Kadena test network and chain 1, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account details --account=k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e --network=testnet --chain-ids=1
kadena account details --account=k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e --network=testnet --chain-ids=1

This command prompts you to specify fungible type. For example:

? Enter the name of a fungible: coin
? Enter the name of a fungible: coin

You can press Return to accept the default and display account details similar to the following:

Details of account "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" on network "testnet04"Name                             ChainID Public Keys                                                      Predicate Balance        k:bbccc99ec9ee....4e750ba424d35e 1       bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e keys-all  305.98040161094 Executed:kadena account details --account="k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" --network="testnet" --chain-ids="1" --fungible="coin" 
Details of account "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" on network "testnet04"Name                             ChainID Public Keys                                                      Predicate Balance        k:bbccc99ec9ee....4e750ba424d35e 1       bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e keys-all  305.98040161094 Executed:kadena account details --account="k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" --network="testnet" --chain-ids="1" --fungible="coin" 

You can specify a range of chain identifiers to query multiple chains at once. Use a comma to specify discrete chains or a hyphen to specify a continuous range of chain identifiers. For example, to get details for an account on the development network chains 1 and 5, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account details --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=1,5
kadena account details --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=1,5

This command displays account details similar to the following:

Name                             ChainID Public Keys                                                      Predicate Balancek:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 1       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 5       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     
Name                             ChainID Public Keys                                                      Predicate Balancek:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 1       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 5       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     

To get account information for a continuous range of chain identifiers, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account details --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=2-4
kadena account details --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=2-4

This command displays account details similar to the following:

Details of account "pistolas-dev" on network "development"Name                             ChainID Public Keys                                                      Predicate Balancek:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 2       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 3       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 4       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24 
Details of account "pistolas-dev" on network "development"Name                             ChainID Public Keys                                                      Predicate Balancek:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 2       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 3       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24     k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 4       5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  24 

To get account information for all chain identifiers, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account details --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=all
kadena account details --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=all

kadena account fund

Use kadena account fund to add funds to an account on the testnet or development networks. This command also creates the account, if it doesn't exist. Note that you can't use this command to fund an account on the Kadena main network.

If a faucet contract isn't available on the development network for the specified chain identifier, you can use the --deploy-faucet option to fund accounts on the development network.

Although you can run this command multiple times, there's a limit to the number of coins you can request. You can request up to 20 coins per network. If you select more than one chain in the request, the coins are distributed equally over the chain identifiers you specify. For example, if you request 20 coins for the development network and chains 0-3, each chain receives five coins.

kadena account fund [arguments] [flags]
kadena account fund [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account fund command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-a, --account accountAliasSpecify an alias to store your account information. This argument is required.
-m, --amount amountSpecify the number of coins to transfer to fund the account. This argument is required.
-n, --network networkNameSpecify the name of the network where you want to fund an account. The valid values are devnet and testnet. This argument is required.
-c, --chain-ids chainIdsSpecify the chain identifiers where you want to fund the account. You can specify individual identifiers, ranges, or all for all chains. This argument is required.
-d, --deploy-faucetDeploy a coin faucet contract to fund the account on the local development network.


To fund an account on a single specific chain, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account fund --account="pistolas-testnet" --amount="10" --network="testnet" --chain-ids="3"
kadena account fund --account="pistolas-testnet" --amount="10" --network="testnet" --chain-ids="3"

If the account doesn't exist on the specified chain, the command displays information similar to the following:

Success with Warnings:Account "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" does not exist on Chain ID(s) 3. So the account will be created on these Chain ID(s). Transaction explorer URL for Chain ID "3" : Funding account successful. Account "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" funded with 10 coin(s) on Chain ID(s) "3" in testnet04 network.Use "kadena account details" command to check the balance.
Success with Warnings:Account "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" does not exist on Chain ID(s) 3. So the account will be created on these Chain ID(s). Transaction explorer URL for Chain ID "3" : Funding account successful. Account "k:bbccc99ec9eeed17d60159fbb88b09e30ec5e63226c34544e64e750ba424d35e" funded with 10 coin(s) on Chain ID(s) "3" in testnet04 network.Use "kadena account details" command to check the balance.

To fund an account on a local development network by deploying a faucet contract, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account fund --account="myalias" --amount="20" --network="devnet" --chain-ids="17" --deploy-faucet

This command requires you to have the development network running on your local host or accessible from your local computer. For information about setting up a local development network, see Set up a local development network.

You can specify a range of chain identifiers to fund an account across multiple chains. Use a comma to specify discrete chains or a hyphen to specify a continuous range of chain identifiers. For example, to fund an account on the development network chains 1 and 3, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account fund --account="myalias" --amount="10" --network="devnet" --chain-ids="1,3"
kadena account fund --account="myalias" --amount="10" --network="devnet" --chain-ids="1,3"

To fund an account across a continuous range of chain identifiers, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account fund --amount="20" --account="chainweaver-0" --network="devnet" --chain-ids="3-6" 
kadena account fund --amount="20" --account="chainweaver-0" --network="devnet" --chain-ids="3-6" 

This command displays the request keys for the transaction on each chain, then confirmation similar to the following:

Transaction explorer URL for Chain ID "3" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/KCnnIKZG3hiurKUVJUMK17ED55G7pj6xy8Ng4Sfj154Chain ID "4" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/Zu3xmLGRQ6lY_N1jBUKpVRDZB3tRwy-PConW5Sb8YD0Chain ID "5" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/phM7ODgdNpdLyUD64xhaStWmA3ywk-1sjVFUM8tiDsQChain ID "6" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/GpibIRZ1DNBiSuxxWszUMsHmZQoiy6_uDsE3zVmq3To Funding account successful. Account "k:5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0" funded with 2 coin(s) on Chain ID(s) "3, 4, 5, 6" in development network.Use "kadena account details" command to check the balance.
Transaction explorer URL for Chain ID "3" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/KCnnIKZG3hiurKUVJUMK17ED55G7pj6xy8Ng4Sfj154Chain ID "4" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/Zu3xmLGRQ6lY_N1jBUKpVRDZB3tRwy-PConW5Sb8YD0Chain ID "5" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/phM7ODgdNpdLyUD64xhaStWmA3ywk-1sjVFUM8tiDsQChain ID "6" : http://localhost:8080/explorer/development/tx/GpibIRZ1DNBiSuxxWszUMsHmZQoiy6_uDsE3zVmq3To Funding account successful. Account "k:5ec41b89d323398a609ffd54581f2bd6afc706858063e8f3e8bc76dc5c35e2c0" funded with 2 coin(s) on Chain ID(s) "3, 4, 5, 6" in development network.Use "kadena account details" command to check the balance.

To fund an account across all chains on the testnet, you can run a command similar to the following

kadena account fund --amount=2 --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=all
kadena account fund --amount=2 --account=pistolas-dev --network=devnet --chain-ids=all

If you try to fund an account too soon after a previous fund request, the command will fail with an error similar to the following:

Error on Chain ID 3 - Failed to transfer fund : "Coin can be requested every 30 minutes"
Error on Chain ID 3 - Failed to transfer fund : "Coin can be requested every 30 minutes"

kadena account name-to-address

Use kadena account name-to-address to resolve a .kda name to a k: account name By convention, accounts with the k: prefix are Kadena account principals with a single public key and the keys-all predicate.

kadena account name-to-address [arguments] [flags]
kadena account name-to-address [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account name-to-address command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-n, --network networkNameSpecify the name of the network where the account exists.
-a, --account-kdn-name kdaAccountNameSpecify the .kda name to resolve to a k: account.


To map the specified .kda name to an account that uses the k: prefix followed by a public key, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account name-to-address --network="mainnet" --account-kdn-name="kadena.kda"
kadena account name-to-address --network="mainnet" --account-kdn-name="kadena.kda"

kadena account address-to-name

Use kadena account address-to-name to resolve an account name with the k: prefix to a .kda name.

kadena account address-to-name [arguments] [flags]
kadena account address-to-name [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account address-to-name command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-n, --network networkNameSpecify the name of the network where the account exists.
-a, --account-kdn-address accountNameSpecify the k: account name to resolve to a .kda name


To map the specified k: account name to a .kda address, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account address-to-name --network="mainnet" --account-kdn-address="k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4"
kadena account address-to-name --network="mainnet" --account-kdn-address="k:1d5a5e10eb15355422ad66b6c12167bdbb23b1e1ef674ea032175d220b242ed4"

kadena account list

Use kadena account list to list information for a specific account or for all available accounts.

kadena account list [arguments] [flags]
kadena account list [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account list command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-a, --account-alias accountAliasSpecify the alias for the account to list.


To list information for a specific account, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account list --account-alias=pistolas-dev
kadena account list --account-alias=pistolas-dev

This command displays information similar to the following for the specified account:

Alias        Name                             Public Key(s)            Predicate Fungiblepistolas-dev k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 5ec41b89d3....dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  coin    
Alias        Name                             Public Key(s)            Predicate Fungiblepistolas-dev k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 5ec41b89d3....dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  coin    

To list information for all account, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account list --account-alias="all"
kadena account list --account-alias="all"

This command displays information similar to the following for all available account:

Alias              Name                             Public Key(s)            Predicate Fungiblechainweaver-0      chainweaver-0                    0f4d6ddea3....357ef6da9f keys-all  coin    pistolas-dev       k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 5ec41b89d3....dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  coin    pistolas-kda       k:61cf22aa8f20....7743bf6c355546 61cf22aa8f....bf6c355546 keys-all  coin    pistolas-local     k:ad833b6bbfc7....28f3249fd5e105 ad833b6bbf....249fd5e105 keys-all  coin    pistolas-publickey k:3e7e7db00e2e....16af6bc5108b59 3e7e7db00e....6bc5108b59 keys-any  coin       pistolas-testnet   k:bbccc99ec9ee....4e750ba424d35e bbccc99ec9....0ba424d35e keys-all  coin   
Alias              Name                             Public Key(s)            Predicate Fungiblechainweaver-0      chainweaver-0                    0f4d6ddea3....357ef6da9f keys-all  coin    pistolas-dev       k:5ec41b89d323....bc76dc5c35e2c0 5ec41b89d3....dc5c35e2c0 keys-all  coin    pistolas-kda       k:61cf22aa8f20....7743bf6c355546 61cf22aa8f....bf6c355546 keys-all  coin    pistolas-local     k:ad833b6bbfc7....28f3249fd5e105 ad833b6bbf....249fd5e105 keys-all  coin    pistolas-publickey k:3e7e7db00e2e....16af6bc5108b59 3e7e7db00e....6bc5108b59 keys-any  coin       pistolas-testnet   k:bbccc99ec9ee....4e750ba424d35e bbccc99ec9....0ba424d35e keys-all  coin   

kadena account delete

Use kadena account delete to delete a local account.

kadena account delete [arguments] [flags]
kadena account delete [arguments] [flags]


You can use the following command-line arguments with the kadena account delete command:

Use this argumentTo do this
-a, --account-alias accountAliasSpecify the alias of the account you want to delete.
-c, --confirmConfirm that you want to delete the specified account.


To delete an account interactively, run the following command:

kadena account delete
kadena account delete

This command prompts you to select the account alias that you want to delete, then confirm your selection.

To delete a specific account, you can run a command similar to the following:

kadena account delete --account-alias test-wallet --confirm
kadena account delete --account-alias test-wallet --confirm

This command displays confirmation similar to the following:

The selected account alias "test-wallet" has been deleted
The selected account alias "test-wallet" has been deleted

To delete all accounts, you can run the following command:

kadena account delete --account-alias="all" --confirm
kadena account delete --account-alias="all" --confirm